suitable for Woom 2-3
The steering lock limiter on a woom ORIGINAL 3 protects your child from falls.
Unique combination of soft stop and predetermined breaking point
Many parents have little use for the term “steering lock limiter”. What is this about? What is it good for? What advantages does it have?
In principle, the steering lock limiter is one of many important safety features on our woom ORIGINAL bikes to make cycling safer for children.
Our steering lock limiter has a soft and flexible stop thanks to its stretchy rubber ring . The soft and flexible stop has two decisive advantages:
- If your child falls and falls on the handlebars, the handlebars will not stay upright, but will be pushed to the ground by your child's weight. This protects your child from injuries.
- The soft stop does not restrict your child's sense of freedom. There is no point on either left or right where your child feels sudden resistance. Continuing to turn the handlebars simply becomes gradually more difficult.
In the event of a violent fall, the rubber ring may tear. It is a kind of breaking point . If it breaks, it will have done a great job because the risk of injury is reduced by tearing.
The learning process becomes faster thanks to the steering lock limiter and your child intuitively understands that it is not possible to turn too hard when cycling.